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The owners and designers of Australis are brothers John and David Slattery.

They have over 100 years of combined paddling experience, and as they are still active paddlers, you will regularly see them paddling up and down the coast line of Wollongong and the NSW South Coast. If you have the time, they will willingly talk for hours about their experiences paddling in the Whitsundays and David's favourite paddling places in beautiful and spectacular Tasmania. 

John and David are experienced in numerous paddling disciplines including flat water and white water touring, sea kayaking, canoe polo, surfing and marathon racing. They have paddled many, many rivers throughout Australia and were quite competitive in their younger years, especially in marathon racing and canoe polo.

Years of practical paddling experience in local conditions and an in-depth knowledge of the rotational moulding process means that we can confidently call Australis the leading brand of plastic canoes and kayaks available in Australia in terms of quality and performance.